Saturday, December 27, 2008

Mission Organization

I have been given a gift...a gift of vacation time. i feel the need to do something productive with this time instead of just wasting it away. Since we have been in our house over 2 years now, I feel that I have really come to know what we use & what we don't use on a regular basis. When we moved in, we did a great job of unpacking for the most part. But then, there were all of these other "things" that just got tossed in a spare bedroom closet or even better, the basement. So, my mission will be to take all of those random things and assign them to places that make sense. I really want to maximize the space that we do have. I also think it would be fun to be one of those container people, you know what I'm talking about. They open a cabinet or drawer and BAM everything is so fantastically arranged in boxes and containers. Those people don't have to dig...and I like that! So, I'm off, to get containers and get organizing! Sorry this blog was so lame, but that is what is on my mind at the moment.

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