Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Knitted!!!!

So, this will have to be quick because I should be getting ready for work....ahh!

I decided I wanted to learn to knit. I thought it would be a fun hobby that would be a little more productive than surfing the internet or watching TV. I went to Michael's and got a book, some needles, and some yarn, and left feeling excited about my new hobby. Well, after 3 hours of watching You Tube videos and looking at my book all I had was a big knot. I was frustrated and went to bed where I dreamt about two hands that were knitting - how mocking, right? At school I asked everyone I knew if they could knit - no one could. I even went so far as to ask my class if they knew how to knit and about 5 girls raised their hands. So, I knew I had a backup plan - no matter how sketchy learning to knit from an 8 year old might be. Then, yesterday afternoon I sat down, rewatched a few YouTube movies and continued to get nowhere. I was getting frustrated. I knew it was hard and that it would take me awhile to get the hang of it, but I couldn't even master the basic stitch...how was I ever going to make those beautiful blankets? Ha! Finally, after dinner, I decided to try one more time...I casted on, got the first row, then, got another, then another. I started screaming and Ryan looked over and was like, "WOW! You're knitting!" Indeed I was!

Here is a pic of my first attempt....not pretty, but lovely to me all the same.

1 comment:

emmalee said...

not bad sister! love that yarn or whatever you knitters call it :)