Monday, January 5, 2009

Across the Universe

Ryan and I have had this movie from Netflix since late August and while at one time I was really excited about seeing it, I just couldn't bring myself to sit down and watch it. We had been really bad about watching movies this fall both too busy or just too tired to actually enjoy one. Finally biting the bullet on Saturday we put it in the DVD player. I knew it was going to be an "artsy" one. But, other than that, I really had no expectations. I really just wanted to see it because of the Beatles music. My girlfriends in I back in high school loved the Beatles and because of that I have a ton of their albums and know many songs by heart. I still have a soft spot for them. I don't know if it is good memories or good music and in all honesty it probably is a little of both. I am always quick to defend the Fab Four to anyone who pokes fun, but that's nothing new as I am quite used to people making fun of my choices in music mostly because of my Rob Stewart devotion and vast knowledge of Broadway music. (What can I say? I'm a little dorky, but I've never denied it.)

But back to the movie...

I was a little skeptical at first - I thought incorporating all of those songs might be a tad forced and a little cheesy. But, it was surprising how naturally all of the songs fit into the fabric of the story (which wasn't a very intricate one, but a sweet one regardless). I could have done without all of the psychedelic dream sequences, but hey, I understand, the Beatles were quite psychedelic themselves as witnessed on many of their later albums -- most of which had strange songs or lyrics..."I am the eggman....I am the walrus..." (which even John Lennon admits to writing while tripping on acid so I rest my case). BUT, let's put the drugs aside and get back to the heart of what I am trying to say.

The Beatles spoke so clearly and honestly through their music that it helped to define two important decades. That is why this movie is so cool. Do I think the writer should take credit for having the brains to put it all together? Sure! But, I think the real credit should go to the Beatles, themselves. It was almost as if without knowing it, they were telling the story of a whole generation. The other part of this movie that was so fantastic was the new arrangements of the music. It was as if I was hearing some of the songs for the first time and understanding the emotions in a fresh and sometimes different way. So, kudos to the actors for their performances and the musicians for the arranging. Other than those two things I could really take it or leave it. But, if you are a Beatles fan or Beatles newbie, you should at least give it a shot if for no other reason than to experience the music.

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