Friday, August 28, 2009

Surviving the First Week

The first week of school is always the toughest. Not only are you exhausted from the long hours prepping your classroom and getting everything ready for the kids/parents, but you also forget just how adorable, small, and clueless they are when they first come to you. EVERYTHING has to be taught or retaught while fighting extreme wigglyness/hunger (on both the teacher AND student sides.) Do they remember how to line up and walk down the hall quietly? No. Do they know how to unpack their bookbags? No. Do they remember to get napkins, spoons, straws, and ketchup at lunch? No. Do they know what to do with all of those notebooks and folders? Of course not. But, however much I might feel like a broken record of a robot, it is always a good feeling to know that deep down you can't WAIT to get to know this new class of kids. Why? Because already you can tell it is going to be a great year.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Oh, my sweet Sarah, you have the HEART of a teacher--a REAL teacher--in the truest sense of the word! HAPPY SCHOOL YEAR 2009-2010!!