Sunday, August 2, 2009

Beach Reads

Ryan and I decided not to go on vacation this summer. We had elected to spend our "vacation money" for dog expenses. Now that Hank is a bona fide member of the Knapp family, I can't imagine spending this on anything more worth while. It has been a good summer, and I really have no reason to complain. But, as the summer comes to a close I have found that I am missing one thing: beach reads. My book club has read many great books over the course of this year. Many of them have been heavy topics or a little on the dark side. I felt better for have been challenged by their ideas, and great writing. Now, it is time to flip the switch and dedicate the rest of August to girly, fluffy, easy to read beach books. I put these types of books in a category all their own, because to me, they are just as important as the next Pulitzer prize winning fiction. So here's to chick-lit, and a fun last few weeks summer!


Mom said...

I know you'll enjoy those leisurely read books as summer heads on into fall!

NOTE: This comment is mainly to let you know I'm keeping up with your blog! How am I doing? :)

Hank said...

Thanks for being such a loyal reader! Love that you keep up with the blog!