Thursday, September 3, 2009


Today we got an email at school about the presidential address that Obama will make to students on Tuesday. The email basically said that we were NOT to show this speech without parental consent from every student in our class.


Well, first of all, this was the first I had heard about the address. But apparently parents have been calling the school adamant that their child not watch the speech.


What in the world? So, I did a little research trying to find out what the big deal was. What I found was that the speech will be addressing the importance of education and doing your best in school. Seemed pretty harmless to, I could be wrong, but I think that kids would think it would be pretty excited to know the PRESIDENT wanted to speak to THEM and I don't see what is so taboo about him telling kids to do well in school and graduate. Hmmm...what are your thoughts about this? I just don't see why some people have their panties in a wad about it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I guess they are trying to make a statement...

Nothing by it but American's are funny :)