Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Headaches & Design Dilemmas

I have a headache today. Not a severe migraine or anything, just a little one. Enough to make me think about it. I'm thinking that the root of this headache might be because of my design dilemmas. As I have become quarantined to my own home this summer because of my bouncing, baby boy Hank, I have realized that we have come to a design standstill on a few projects. Just little things here and there that I have wanted to finish. Examples include, but are not limited to: finding drapes for our bedroom and dining room, finding a rug for the dining room, deciding on/framing/hanging Ryan's photography, and finally picking out the rest of our living room furniture. I have been lacking a little inspiration, but sometimes when I look around things don't seem as finished as they could. The good news is that I couldn't be happier with the things we have done so far - patience and not settling are key! So, like today, when I go out hoping to remedy all of my design dilemmas and come back with the letters E, A, and T to hang up in the kitchen. I should not feel stressed or overwhelmed by all of the things left to do, but happy about the small changes I did today. (I also got a cute wind chime for the back deck!)

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