Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Charlie Browniest

Lately I have been so grumpy that I feel like a total Charlie Brown. I guess it is the fact that this school year has been the worst ever, because I know I am a generally positive and happy person. But for some reason, this unhappiness at work is seeping over and causing me to reevaluate other parts of my life as well. Part of me likes being in tune with what is going on, but at times it is a real burden. For example, I don't mean to be overly critical, but is it to much to ask people to do what they say they are going to do? What happened to the days of making a commitment and sticking with it? I know that things come up unexpectedly, but part of me thinks the world we live in makes it so much easier to back out of things that people shouldn't through a lame text or email. It is hard sometimes to say no to someone or something, but personally, I would rather someone tell me no up front than to make me clear my schedule and then find out last minute that it isn't going to work out! GRRR! Now don't get me wrong, I am not totally innocent from doing this. I think the difference is in the quantity of backing out. If a person continues to back out over and over how many chances do you give them before you stop extending invitations. It is just really draining to deal with - making me feel like, you know my number call me when you figure yourself out. Until then, I'm taking a vacation from organizing anything.

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